The Sliding Hill. A person slides down using spruce bough only and when you slide right to the bottom of the hill you live a long life. However, when you slide towards the side the trail, you will have short life.
The Sliding Hill. A person slides down using spruce bough only and when you slide right to the bottom of the hill you live a long life. However, when you slide towards the side the trail, you will have short life.
On this rocky island, there is a small child foot imprint on the rock by the shore.
Sacred waterfall. When one pays respect, the rainbow seen can predict the future.
For centuries the Tłı̨chǫ of the Northwest Territories have relied on an intimate knowledge of the land and its wildlife to survive.
Walk in Cave. Back in legend time, this place used to be a beaver lodge medicine place. When it opened, two people went in there, one tlicho man and one chipewyan women. The Cave closed behind them and turned to a big hill.