Tlicho Lands Map

Placenames, Traditional Knowledge

The location is on the portage between southend of Tikwo tì (Brown Water Lake) and Weyedii tì. Find portage on Maps.

The hill in the background is called Woyi hàkè....

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Placenames, Traditional Knowledge

Mǫwhì’s father, Ewaàghoa, was the first person to build a house at Behchokǫ̀. In the past, Tłı̨chǫ used to live at Nı˛hshìì (Old Fort Rae), an area on the shores of Great Slave Lake. There remain many gravesites and...

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Placenames, Traditional Knowledge

Whatì is a place where conflict occurred long ago between the Tłı̨chǫ and the Chipweyan. It was Mǫwhì’s brother-in-law who was the first person to build a house in Whatì. The area has been a good trapping area – Whatì...

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Placenames, Traditional Knowledge

The father of the late Johnny Arrowmaker was the first to build a house at Gamètì. In addition to being an important place for caribou, it was also known as a fine place for furbearing animals and for its good fishing...

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Placenames, Traditional Knowledge

The area around Wekweètì was a common boat and sled route as the Tłı̨chǫ travelled towards the nearby barren lands every fall in search of migrating caribou. Wekweètì came to be seen as a perfect location for those...

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Xaeli K'ogola (Marion Village), a collection of cabins at the north end of Indahk'eti (Marion Lake).  Xaeli K'ogola was a thriving community at one time, until all the residents moved to more permanent communities in...

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Ancestors, Placenames, Stories & Legends, Traditional Knowledge
Placenames, Timeline

The Tłı̨chǫ Chimney Project was created by the partnership between the Tłı̨chǫ Government, De Beers Canada and the University of British Columbia. The goal of the project was to produce documentation that will assist in...

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Placenames, Stories & Legends

The Sliding Hill. A person slides down using spruce bough only and when you slide right to the bottom of the hill you live a long life. However, when you slide towards the side the trail, you will have short life.  ...

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Placenames, Timeline

that the Dogrib Treaty 11 Council is directed to continue to negotiate a comprehensive claim and self government agreement - Resolution #93-05


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Placenames, Timeline

In the canoe - the men are Harry Wedawin and Jim Drybones with the poles, and Philip Nitsiza at the kicker. Mary Rose (Mrs...

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Placenames, Timeline
Ancestors, Placenames, Stories & Legends, Timeline

This is where Edzo and Ekècho made peace 



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Placenames, Stories & Legends, Timeline

Sacred waterfall. When one pays respect, the rainbow seen can predict the future. 

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Placenames, Stories & Legends

Walk in Cave. Back in legend time, this place used to be a beaver lodge medicine place. When it opened, two people went in there, one tlicho man and one chipewyan women. The Cave closed behind them and turned to a big...

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Placenames, Stories & Legends, Timeline

On this rocky island, there is a small child foot imprint on the rock by the shore. 

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